奢华高端水疗品牌ESPA 2022圣诞日历 定价低+再6折!仅119欧收!包含25款放松身心好物!

2022-10-10 18:13 美容护肤 0 条评论
奢华高端水疗品牌ESPA 2022圣诞日历

奢华高端水疗品牌ESPA 2022圣诞日历
ESPA伴随您的日常健康之旅,提供呵护心灵、身体和精神的有效的天然产品。ESPA圣诞日历让您以和谐的礼物开始每一天。体验一系列 ESPA 最受欢迎的产品,包括活力洁面乳、奢华面霜和丰富的精油。用这款奢华的健康降临日历为感官带来一场节日盛宴吧。
Modern Alchemy Purifying Polish 55ml
Active Nutrients Super Nourish Glossing Shampoo 50ml
Positivity Pulse Point Oil 9ml
Age-Defying Tri-Active Resilience Pro-Biome Moisturiser 15ml
Tri-Active Regenerating Define and Tighten Body Serum 30ml
Tri-Active Regenerating Treatment Oil 10ml
Fitness Shower Gel 30ml
Signature Blends Energising Bath & Body Oil 15ml
Pink Hair and Scalp Mud 30ml
Nourishing Lip Treatment 5ml
Active Nutrients Isotonic Hydration Mask 30ml
Depuff and Soothe Eye Gel 15ml
Signature Blends Restorative Bath & Body Oil 15ml
Winter Spice Votive Candle 70g
Muscle Rescue Balm 15ml
Active Nutrients Optimal Skin Pro Serum 10ml
Active Nutrients Yuzu and Ginger Cleansing Sorbet 15ml
Tri-Active Resilience Clarify & Fortify Scalp Serum 10ml
Refining Skin Polish 15ml
Nourishing Conditioner 50ml
Fitness Bath Salts 55g
Tri-Active Regenerating Bio-Retinol Sleeping Serum 10ml
Restful Pillow Mist 12ml
Active Nutrients Optimal Skin Pro Cleanser 50ml
ESPA Scented Monogram
更多ESPA新品 购买链接在此
★ 限时6折优惠码:LFX40 亲测有效!

★ 可用78折优惠码:LFSELAIRE

★ 邮费:全场满30欧德国境内免邮(普通快递),可直邮瑞士、荷兰、奥地利等地区,邮费详情请参考网站信息。
★ 退货:14天内无理由退货
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